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Beat Binge Eating in 2025

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Join the Binge Beating Academy and embark on your journey to Food Freedom today 

Inside our Academy, you'll find our industry leading course Be Binge Free™️which will teach you step-by-step how to beat binge eating and embrace a controlled and peaceful relationship with food. 


You'll also find a supportive community, weekly live video coaching and interview sessions with industry experts as well as incredibly detailed binge beating lessons that include informative videos, indepth reading, interactive exercises and more.


You'll be liberated from food guilt, never ending cravings and a mind solely focused on not reaching for the cupboard or the fridge the minute you have any time alone.

Let 2025 be the year you said no more;

  • No more guilt

  • No more shame

  • No more anxiety

  • No more Binge Eating

Step into a binge free life today and start your journey today for just £9.99

Get a taste of the
Binge Beating Academy 
with our starter guide

Check out our free guide "Your first steps to Be Binge Free"


In this guide you'll learn step-by-step how to take the first steps to beat binge eating and embrace a controlled and peaceful relationship with food. 


Our Academy is designed to get you to the stage where you can say that your last binge was truly your last ever binge.


With a complete starter pack to get you started and interactive exercises to boot, you'll start your journey to be liberated from food guilt, never ending cravings and a mind solely focused on not reaching for the cupboard or the fridge the minute you have any time alone.

Let 2024 be the year you said no more;

  • No more guilt

  • No more shame

  • No more anxiety

  • No more Binge Eating

Step into a binge free life today and start your journey.

Download Your Free Guide

Find out more about what our other clients have said below as well as how our 1:1 coaching services work.

Here's an example of what to expect in the Academy

Lesson One

You've taken the First Step to Freedom...

If you're curious, lesson One of the course covers the subject "What is Binge Eating" outlining what it is, the clinical definitions, misconceptions and who is most likely to binge eat.

Binge Eating is a complex condition with overlapping behaviours seen in both overeaters and emotional eaters. There are four criteria used to diagnose binge eating behaviour;

  • A sense of loss / lack of control when eating.

  • Eating a relatively large amount of food in a short period of time (several hours up to a whole twenty four hour period).

  • Marked psychological distress and feelings of shame, guilt, anger and resentment during and after an episode.

  • Having these episodes at least twice a week for six months once a week for three months.


At its core, binge eating is a means of coping with difficult emotions and “escaping” from challenging, often chaotic, circumstances.

It doesn’t make you a “bad” person for having these means of coping; it’s simply a result of your past experiences and influences manifested into unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

To work towards overcoming these behaviours we have to consider how they started so we can gradually unravel and rework them. That's exactly what we cover in the Academy. Beyond that in further lessons we cover;

  • Why we Binge Eat

  • A range of strategies to deal with Binge Eating immediately

  • How to address the source(s) of your Binge Eating behaviours and close this chapter on your life

  • A module focused on healing the relationship you have with your body and improving your body image

  • How to be able to have a meal out with friends, family members or loved ones without the stress, anxiety, guilt and shame that plagues sufferers of binge eating.

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The Be Binge Free course is going to change the lives of so many. It encompasses all of the science, nutrition and practical skills needs to help individuals to overcome binge eating and improve their relationship with food and their body in a digestible way, making overcoming binge eating accessible to so many. The passion from Balance just exudes throughout the entire course, and as a specialist dietitian, I would highly recommend working with Balance and the Be Binge Free course to anyone looking to beat binge eating.

Elle Kelly R.D, BSc, MSc - Specialist Dietician (ellekellynutrition)

What Experts are saying...

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Hi, I'm Jamie Wright

I've helped hundreds, if not thousands of people Beat Binge Eating  over the last 8 years

I was once just like you.

I struggled with binge eating and fought to overcome it for the best part of ten years. Breaking free from binge eating has led me down a career path where now, I'm considered one of Ireland's leading experts in the field and have helped countless people beyond those I've worked with beat binge eating for good and live a life of food freedom and peace.

I created this Academy to help you.

I want you to experience the same peaceful life I, and my clients, now get to live day in day out. A life free from the fear of losing control.

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